There’s lots to do and see
The Ferry
Deben ferries cross the river from Felixstowe Ferry to Bawdsey Quay. The ferry runs seasonally, from Easter to April at weekends only, 10am to 5pm, and daily from May to September, 10am to 5pm. Wave the bat at the end of the jetty to call the ferryman. For more information call 07709 411 511.
River trips
Felixstowe Ferry Harbour Master, John White runs regular trips around the moorings or longer trips by arrangement. Contact John on 07803 476 621, or 01394 270 106, or Channel 08.
Bawdsey Radar Museum
The award-winning exhibition is testament to the importance of the work that went on at Bawdsey in the period preceding, during and after the second World War. Many people believe that the Battle of Britain could not have been won without it.
Fresh fish
Felixstowe Ferry is a small fishing hamlet on the southern point of the mouth of the River Deben. There you will find the Spring Tide fish stall and smokehouse. Contact James on 01394 284 582 for details of the day’s catch and the latest delicacies on offer from the smokehouse.
Sea angling and b
irdwatching parties
For sea angling parties or trips on the beautiful River Deben for up to 10 people contact John on 07780 735 604.
Sutton Hoo
Visit the awe-inspiring Anglo-Saxon royal burial site. The beautiful 255 acre site is home to one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time.
Suffolk Punch Trust
The Hollesley Bay Colony Stud is the world’s oldest and largest Suffolk Punch stud farm. It’s the perfect place to meet these magnificent horses and find out how they shaped the landscape of East Anglia.